The business world today is tougher and more competitive than ever and it's unlikely to get any easier. Clients are more demanding of you because their clients are more demanding of them, your competitors are more aggressive because just like you they are also trying to survive. So how can we build more sales, develop more business, see more people, retain more clients and make more money.Ironically, the instrument that can significantly increase your chances of achieving all of the above is sitting on your desk. The telephone can enhance how you build your relationships with your clients and prospects. The whole sales process often has a phone call near the start, just like you, your clients will also be calling their prospective clients and prospects to try and do business. The problem is that many business people don’t know how to use the telephone effectively or integrate the telephone into the whole sales process to effectively gain new prospects, sell, gain appointments and close for business opportunities. This course is designed to support the whole sales process and offer hints and tips which will give the participants the guidelines to confidently plan, prepare and control telephone conversations.
Participants will learn:
 How to prepare themselves before picking up the telephone
 How to increase the chances of the client wanting to see you
 How to get through to the right person
 How to plan their calls, what to say and how to say it
 How to overcome client objections with intelligent, non-aggressive reasoned discussions
 How to effectively combat voicemails
 A variety of closes to get new business appointments
 How to overcome telephone call reluctance
 How to deliver a call so the client understands your unique value proposition
The course is supported by group exercises and role plays to enhance the learning experience of all participants and validate new skills which have been learnt.
All participants will take away from the course:
• A bespoke participant workbook
• Exercises to support the learning back in the workplace
• A personal action plan to show key actions and associated outcomes back in the workplace
• A set of objectives to be discussed with their line manager for further individual development
• The continuing support of ISP (Training)