Sales management is a particularly difficult job as it is one of the few relationships in business where the manager often has to manage from a distance and only see their team once in a while. This in itself can cause motivation and morale issues within a sales team. At best when a sales manager is with their team the same problems often occur because the majority of managers are not practicing the same methods used by highly experienced managers.The purpose of this course is to outline some best practice management techniques which will allow the sales manager to adopt a winning formula with their team. Whether managing at a distance or managing an internal team this course will demonstrate and allow the participant to practice techniques which will support them in developing the true worth of their teams. This course can be tailored to suit the needs of the clients and their managers and can be run over one, two or three days. The course and material is designed provide the participants with the confidence and positive mindset that they require, and compare and challenge their current way of working.
Participants will learn:
 Understand current sales management techniques
 Identify the difference between the behaviours of a manager and a leader
 The role of objectives and how to agree them
 The key skills required in being able to effectively coach a team
 How to use the G.R.O.W. model to support their teams in the achievement of their individual goals
 How to identify the different learning styles with their team
 The effects of knowing what motivates their team and how to achieve this
 How to deal with challenging situations
 The benefits of working with your team out in the field
 How to plan, prepare, carryout and give objective feedback following a joint client visit
The course is supported by group exercises and role plays to enhance the learning experience of all participants and validate new skills which have been learnt.
All participants will take away from the course:
• A bespoke participant workbook
• Exercises to support the learning back in the workplace
• A personal action plan to show key actions and associated outcomes back in the workplace
• A set of objectives to be discussed with their line manager for further individual development
• The continuing support of ISP (Training)